Using Python, Quadratic approximation of sine function without the idea of limits or infinitesimal quantities (Mini Research Paper)
The question that I actually I started out was, Is there any way to express transcendental functions using polynomials avoiding the idea of limits or infinitesimal quantities? Origin of the Question Nowadays,we learn about the Cauchy-Weierstrass interpretation of limits in our calculus classes.Although I genuinely think that it works and it’s more convenient but I thought there would be creative other ways to do this without the idea of estimating infinitesimal quantities.I found one paper named “ The Lost Calculus ”[1],it avoids the idea of abstract limits but fails when it comes to transcendental functions.I knew that if I broke down the sine function to be humble polynomials I could than use something like Descartes’s method[1] of Tangents to that polynomial to get the derivative without using the idea of limits. That’s when I was stumbled upon this question. First thing that came to my mind was a sine function,I was thinking if there was any way to represen...