Quantum mechanics had many interpretations for ages. The most accepted ones are the ones most experimentally proven ones. Bohmian mechanics is one of the less probabilistic and more conventional deterministic approach towards quantum mechanics. Bohmian theories can be formulated by introducing a privileged foliation of space-time. This introduction of a completely new foliation of space-time would contradict with the theory of relativity,this is the reason of Bohmian mechanics not being so wide-spread or worked on. My research would be to work on Bohmian mechanics,trying to show a relativistic approach can be made to work for all inertial reference frames and pilot-wave theory can help solving the age long debate of the difference between Macroscopic and Microscopic world and if the spooky actions of the microscopic world is completely random or seems random because of the ignorance of pre-existing local variables. Bohmian mechanics or pilot wave theory is base...
"I quit working lumberyards to build a mansion out of cards but I feel thin behind this paper walls." - Owl City